12-Day Compost
Compost in a bucket started July 11, 2012
Same bucket July 23, 2012
Our neighbor asks: "Can you make compost in a bucket?"
This became a Go Wild! Gardening test idea
Answer, you sure can.
Photo taken 12 days later
GO WILD! Gardening method: Drill holes in a 5 gallon bucket and the lid for oxygen.
Fill bucket: 1/3 full of chopped-up dry tree leaves (carbohydrates) plus add water to wet these leaves
2/3 full of chopped-up green leaves (protein) for a carbon protein ratio around 30/1
1 scoop of good topsoil and/or old compost for inoculation of soil organism
Hand full of kitchen waste: bananas, egg shells, potato peeling for added diversity
This compost, to be completely broken down, needs more time. However, it is still usable when mixed with other soils.